Description of Wayneco’s Capabilities
Our firm offers technical assistance, problem analysis, concept recommendations and the equipment/ systems to enhance performance efficiency, and/ or mechanical reliability for applications that include:
Compressor Valve- retrofits using single, multi-deck and perimeter radial poppet designs together with poppets, plates and springs for conventional valves of various manufacturer’s for hostile or troublesome needs;
Capacity Control Systems that can include Pockets, Deactivation devices and perimeter radial poppet valves to reduce parasitic HP losses of conventional concepts, like fingers and/ or center hole deactivation valves;
Control Panels designed and built for explosion proof, Division 1, pipeline service needs of monitoring, load control and sequencing requirements encountered at compressor stations, refineries & oil production facilities.
Electro-pneumatic equipment, of various firms, is integrated to match plant "Cause & Effect" requirements.
Training sessions are available on Robertshaw-Knoxville digital logic components-systems, using these parts;
End devices for measuring pressure, Dp, temperature, level, vibration and speed
Industrial quality valves for 2 & 3-way cooling services, starting air, turbo assist and fuel gas block & vent;
Hydraulic, high torque, low speed, pump-motor systems to 250 HP, that enable simple analog speed control,
all "explosion proof" design and total independence of electrical power when used with engine prime movers;
Industrial Engine Ignition Systems, magnetic speed pickups, speed indication systems & temperature scanners,
Air Driven Stud Removers/ Installers for sizes from 3/8" thru 6" diameter studs;
Mechanical fastener nuts for compressor rod cross heads, piston ends and foundation anchor bolting systems;
Call Wayneco Energy Services at (847) 397-4689 today!